Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Patriarchal Society?

Though I have heard many say it, I am not so sure that Armenia is a full blown patriarchal society. I haven't lived here long enough though to give a good answer. Coupled with limited observation, I am working for a progressive organization where men and women are given equal creative voice and seemingly equal decision making power.

Yerevan is also much like European cities from its nightclubs to outdoor cafes. Women and men mingle freely and women dress and act much like their counterparts in Europe.

Some striking differences do exist:

Women who smoke in public spaces like in parks or the sidewalk are viewed as easy. If they are smoking at a party or in cafe no one cares.

At a dinner table, if men are present, women should keep their hands off the wine and alcohol, it is the man's job to fill glasses.

There are no laws on the book specific to domestic violence. Nor is there a culture to report these crimes or organizations to assist victims. Domestic violence is rampant in the US as well, but the stigma about a man hitting a woman is not prevalent here.

If anything it reminds me a bit of my time in India when on a train from Chennai to Mumbai. I sat with a group of middle aged engineers (all men). After finding out I worked for an NGO that focused on empowering women in city slums and rural areas they expressed their mostly positive views on micro credit then proceeded to lecture me on why Americans should stop trying to impose their views of domestic violence on other countries. Their point - domestic violence is a private matter between a husband and wife.

I agree that major problems occur when one culture imposes its views on another, but reject this "oh its a private matter" or its unnecessary to have extra protections. It reminds me of folks in the US who say hate crimes are unnecessary. It's a limited view that ignores the underlining social reasons for violence and partially excuses the perpetrator.

The sculpture photo is on the first level of Yerevan's Cascade - the lovely white stone steps leading up to the 50th memorial to Armenia being part of the Soviet Union.

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