Thursday, September 10, 2009

Growing Grapes

The picture on the right captures the grape vines above the office balcony. I have been impressed by the do-it-yourself culture here and ability to maximize what will grow from the soil out of a small space. I have so far learned that the best time to prune is during winter when their is less sap pulsing through the vines.

In other news, I have shown my coworkers the joys of American politics with Rep. Wilson's disrespectful "You Lie!" scream fest last night to the President. My coworkers admired Obama's calm response, but were absolutely thrilled by the Speaker's disproving death stare cast at what the Armenian here called "Obama's enemies." The wonders of YouTube. Unfortunately it remains officially banned in Iran, Morocco, Thailand, China, and neighboring Turkey.

1 comment:

  1. i saw bohemian beer in the store the other day and thought of you. i'll look for the armenian beer! maybe i can find a specialty beer store. somehow i doubt that my san diego beer is going to make it all the way over there. but we can share some when you're back :)
