My tutor suggested I go on excursion with his university students to an excursion this past weekend. The trip was an ode to Mesrop Mashtots, who as I have mentioned before, invented the Armenian alphabet. We went to a church in his honor where he is buried as well as a few stops along the road that exhibits all of the letters of the Armenian alphabet. The picture is of the letter M.
The overwhelming amount of students were pretty young, like 17/18 and were Armenians from Georgia, the Ukraine, and Turkmanistan. They come to Yerevan to learn Armenian and to eventually study here. I befriended two guys who were a bit older, one a Spanish Armenian and another an Israeli Armenian. Most shocking was the love that these 17 year old boys have for Shakira. They used their cell phones as stereos and blasted "Shakira, Shakira!" for most of the ride. Annoying at first but it did become entertaining when they made the isle of the bus their dance floor. Picture eight teen age boys fighting for dance space, screaming Shakira, in a strange Caucasian dance off. That was my Saturday.
only you would find yourself in a situation like this.