My computer crashed, but is back from the dead with many Russian Microsoft applications programmed on it. Coupled with this, I have been preparing for my family to make their way to Yerevan for Christmas, thus the lack of posts.
Preparations have included hunting down a Christmas tree. Easier said than done. I was told by many people that purchasing a real fur tree was illegal. Armenia suffered from severe deforestation in the 90s (in part due to the blockades, the need for fuel was necessary, with no carbons pouring in from the Caspian, trees seemed like a logical choice).
I came to terms with the idea of purchasing a fake. Like in the States, there are tree stands, but only fake trees line the cement. A bit of a shock to see all of these trees with locals haggling over the price, and despite them all looking perfect, I over heard many a family making comments about them not being so great. I finally ended up at a hardware store on the outskirts of town. My tree came in a box, three parts, and was the simplest thing to put together. It stands about my height, a bit over five feet. Over the past week and a half I grew to like my tree.
But the satisfaction of having navigated the tree purchase was short lived. Buyers remorse set in after I noticed a few real trees for sale on street corners. As of this past Monday, fur trees have been popping up for sale everywhere. Even some nice smelling garlands have appeared hung up on strings calling for me to shell out some drams and take them home.
The real thing must be legal after all, but everyone is telling me different stories, and the folks that claim they are illegal are sticking to their story. I guess, all in all, I should be happy that I am doing my part for the forests. And my three piece fake is kind of adorable.
My camera is out of sorts, but soon I will have pictures up, included the massive fake tree in Republic Square. Armenians celebrate Christmas on January 6th so hope to have some fun stories posted by that time as well.
My sister and her husband just arrived. Next up are my parents. If I don't write tomorrow or on the 25th, Merry Christmas to all!