On Halloween I made caramel apples. Not being able to find caramels in pure form, nor having the cooking wherewithal all to endure making my own caramel from scratch, I found chocolate caramels. Lacking a handy microwave, I simply added a quarter cup water and some caramels and stirred in a pot making sure not to let the sticky liquid burn. Then I got out the granny smith looking apples I bought in the market and dipped the apples into the chocolate caramel goo.
As for Halloween night I ended up at an expat bar that was filled with jackolanterns. The pumpkins look a bit discolored from the orange beauties in the States, but I was thrilled to see them. I drank a MGD in light of it being an American holiday, though Miller is owned by South African Brewers, so who knows how patriotic I was being.
that's an awesomely terrifying stick you're using for the caramel apple, haha.